Save the date of October 7: Conference-debate on the “Decentralized Electrification and Development”

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- October 7, 2016
- From 9h to 11h30, at the University Paris 1
- 12 Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris

The Veolia Institute and FERDI, in partnership with the University Paris 1, organize a conference-debate to present the special issue of FACTS Reports on the “Decentralized Electrification and Development” on October 7, 2016. The special issue is prefaced by Jean-Michel Severino.
This conference-debate is an occasion to present and to evaluate the different decentralized electrification solutions implemented during the recent years in order to provide access to electricity in some non-connected areas. This event aims to share good practices and to capitalize on the lessons learned in the decentralized electrification sector.

N.B: The language of the conference is French.

►Mandatory email registration before September, 30th: [email protected]