Under the patronage of the US National Academy of Sciences
May 29-30, 2014
Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA.
Biodiversity and natural resources
400 participants
7 out of 10 attendees are American
52 speakers from 15 different countries
A comprehensive and pultidisciplinary approach
Biodiversity underpins humanity by a myriad of ways, including provision of food, freshwater, clean air and disease control. However continued population growth, uncontrolled over consumption of natural resources, increasing pollution and climate change are likely to put additional pressure on ecosystems.
At the same time, there is a growing consensus that restoring ecosystem functionalities contributes not only to preserve biodiversity but also to secure livelihoods, to combating
desertification and to both climate-change mitigation and adaptation. Furthermore, ecological restoration could open new economic avenues.
There is a need for enriched scientific data, at the first stage, but also context-based practices that facilitate the understanding of highly complex challenges and the emergence of solutions.
“The Conference has collected and promoted innovative ideas and tools on how to implement effectively restoration projects at a large-scale.”
Promising initiatives
"The objectif of The Conference - to share better insights on the potentials of large-scale ecosysteme retoration towards sustainable development - was fully achieved."
With experiences on:
- Watershed Protection for Drinking Water (city supplies),
- Reforestation and Poverty Alleviation,
- Wetlands Engineering,
- Large-Scale Soil Decontamination,
- Sea Canals,
- Artificial Reef Programs,
- Invasive Species Extirpation,
- Forest and Carbon Sinks Restoration,
- Emergence of the Landscape restoration approach.
The speakers
The organizers

Associated parteners