16th November 2016
Marrakesh, COP 22, blue zone
Climate change

For the COP 22 in Marrakesh, taking place between 7 and 16 of November, the Veolia Institute held an event in the blue zone on the 16th of November on innovative solutions to reduce methane emissions. The objective of the Institute was to take advantage of this federating international event to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge and best practices on the mitigation of methane emissions.
For this event, called «Actions on near-term climate mitigation to protect air quality and achieve the Paris climate goals and the SDGs », the Veolia Institute partnered with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition. This initiative by UNEP is the leading voice to inform policy makers on the mitigation of Short Lived Climate Pollutants and methane in particular.
In 2015, the Institute Launched its Methane agenda for the COP 21, with an International conference ahead of the COP 21 with high level speakers and over 150 participants and 2 side-events during the COP 21. Proof of the increasing momentum around this topic, we received the COP 21 label. This year, the Institute will focus on innovative actions in the Oil and Gas sector to show that emission reduction can be cost effective.
Programme of the event:
Opening remarks:
- [Moderator] Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence, Managing Scientific Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam - Near-term actions to accelerate pathways towards the climate target
SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE: Fast Action Policies to Protect People and Planet from Extreme Climate Changes – Official launch of initial report from the Committee to Prevent Extreme Climate Change
- V. Ramanathan – Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography UCSD
- Mario J. Molina – Nobel Laureate & Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry UCSD
- Durwood Zaelke, President Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
POLITICAL SUPPORT for reducing short-lived climate pollutants:
- Senator Loren B. Legarda, Senate of the Philippines (TBC) – The Philippines experience in addressing air and climate pollutants
- State Senator Ricardo Lara, California - The Short-Lived Climate Pollutants bill (Senate Bill 1383)
FINANCING short-lived climate pollutants mitigation:
- Eduardo Bitran Colodro, Secretary General of CORFO, Former Minister of Public Works, Chile – Financing SLCP mitigation projects
- James Close, Climate Group Director, World Bank – Cost of air pollution report & Pilot Action Facility Simulation
- Stefanie Lindenberg, European Investment Bank – Launch of the European Investment Bank’s report on SLCPs
- Roland Kupers, Associate Fellow at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University – Reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas industry
Closing remarks:
- Helena Molin Valdes, Head of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat – Working in partnership to catalyse action, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition