► Session plénière 1 : Commerce et environnement
Les évolutions du commerce international et transformations de l’environnement sont interdépendantes les unes des autres. D’un côté, la libéralisation des échanges est susceptible d’exacerber les pressions environnementales en raison du surcroît de consommation de ressources et de pollution qu’elle entraîne, et du dumping social qu’elle peut entrainer lorsque certaines industries très polluantes sont déplacées vers des pays où la réglementation est moins rigoureuse. D’un autre côté, la réglementation environnementale peut atténuer ces effets préjudiciables et contribuer à un meilleur équilibre entre les exigences souvent divergentes de la croissance et de la protection de l’environnement.
Session présidée par :
Yuesheng WANG, Director, Department of International Economics, School of Economics, Peking University (EN)

WANG Yuesheng is, Doctoral Supervisor, Chair of the Department of International Economics and Trade, Director of Institute of International Economic Research in Peking University.
His research interests:
- World economy and China's economy
- International enterprises system and multinational enterprises
- New institutional economy and transition economy
Youngjiang GU, Chairman of China Society for WTO Studies (EN)

Jiahuang WU, Vice-Chairman of China Society for WTO Studies (EN)

Since 1999 he has practiced consultancy for transnational corporations in the field of trade, investment and WTO related issues. He acted as market access chief negotiator in China’s GATT/WTO Negotiation Team for 13 years. Mr. Wu served as Deputy Director-General and Director-General of Tariff Department of China’s Customs General Administration, counselor for GATT Affairs in China’s Permanent Mission in Geneva, member of Textiles Surveillance Body established under the Agreement regarding International Trade in Textiles, Director for UNCTAD and GATT affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economics Cooperation (MOFTEC) ,a commercial secretary for UN Economic Affair in China’s permanent mission in Geneva., a trade officer in the Third Regional Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade.
From 1978 to 1981 he served the United Nation headquarters in Geneva as conference affairs officer. He organized UNCTAC meetings and conferences, acting as Chairman’s right-hand man.
Xiangchen ZHANG, Minister and deputy permanent representative of China’s mission to WTO (EN)

Prior to his current position, Dr. Zhang was the Director General for WTO Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce of China from 2005 to 2008, and he was responsible for internal coordination and external organization for China’s engagement in WTO trade negotiations, especially the Doha Round. After China’s accession to WTO in 2001, Dr. Zhang also represented the Chinese government during annual reviews of China’s trade policies by other WTO members, responding to concerns about policy formulation and implementation.
In 2005, Dr. Zhang was named China’s chief representative for Sino-Australian FTA negotiation.
From 1992 to 2001, Dr. Zhang was a leading aide to China’s Chief Representative for GATT/WTO accession negotiation.
Dr. Zhang holds a JD degree from Peking University. He was an advanced visiting scholar at the Institute of International Relations of John Hopkins University of U.S.in 2002.His main publications include The World outside Window :WTO and globalization in my eyes(July 2008) ,Sino-US Relations after WTO(September 2002) and Developing Countries in WTO :Politics and Economics(January 2000).
Harry CLARKE, Professor of Economics, La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia (EN)

Judith M. DEAN, Senior International Economist, US International Trade Commission (EN)

Pierre Marc JOHNSON, former Premier of Québec (EN)

Guang XIA, Director General of the PRCEE, Ministry of Environmental Protection, China (EN)
Youfu XIA, Professor at University of International Business & Economics (EN)
Zhang YANSHENG, Director, Institute for International Economic Research (EN)

Professor Zhang holds MSc. in Economics (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1984). He has been a visiting fellow in Colorado University, Toronto University, and World Bank EDI from 1986 to 1988.
Professor Zhang has publicized more than 20 Chinese and English monographs (including co-author), more than 200 papers. Zhang was awarded the SunYefang Economic Science Works Prize, the First Class Excellent Research Prize of the NDRC, China Development Research Prize and other prizes.
Harvey FINEBERG, President, National Institute of Medicine, USA (EN)

Dr. Fineberg helped found and served as president of the Society for Medical Decision Making and also served as consultant to the World Health Organization. At the Institute of Medicine, he has chaired and served on a number of panels dealing with health policy issues, ranging from AIDS to new medical technology. He also served as a member of the Public Health Council of Massachusetts (1976-1979), as chairman of the Health Care Technology Study Section of the National Center for Health Services Research (1982-1985), and as president of the Association of Schools of Public Health (1995-1996).
► Session plénière 2 : Urbanisation et environnement
Plusieurs régions du monde sont confrontées à d’importants défis dans la mesure où elles doivent faire face à un rythme d’urbanisation soutenu dans le contexte d’un environnement affaibli. D’un côté, un consensus général existe quant à la nécessité de préserver les ressources environnementales et d’intégrer la contrainte carbone. De l’autre, le la population mondiale urbaine devrait, selon les projections, atteindre 60% de la population totale en 2030. Pour autant, en dépit du développement tentaculaire des mégapoles et des défis qu’il entraîne, l’accroissement de la population urbaine interviendra surtout dans des villes petites ou moyennes. Dès lors, ces phénomènes mondiaux entraîneront un bouleversement de la gestion des villes au plan local et, à terme, des mutations majeures (infrastructure, occupation des sols, etc.). D’ores et déjà, des transformations importantes sont perceptibles, comme le développement de “villes vertes”.
Session présidée par :
Chen AIMIN, Vice President of SiChuan University
Baoxing QIU, Vice Minister, Ministry of Construction, China
Bharat DAHIYA, Human Settlements Officer, Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific, JAPAN (EN)

Dr. Dahiya has extensively written on the issues of urban environment, development and governance, including policy and strategy notes on the Millennium Development Goals and urban poverty. He conducted the first systematic review of the World Bank’s investments in improving urban liveability, published as a co-authored book, Urban Environment and Infrastructure: Toward Livable Cities (2004), in the Bank’s Directions in Development Series. This evaluative work developed the concept of the Expanded Brown Agenda – which included in the Brown Agenda the sustainable urban planning and development issues related to the prevention and mitigation of the urban impacts of natural disasters and climate change. At present, Dr. Dahiya is the substantive editor of the first State of Asian Cities Report 2010, which looks into the state of Asian cities with regard to demographic trends, economic productivity, urban poverty and social inclusion, urban environment and climate change, and urban governance.
François MOISAN, executive Director of Strategy and Research and Scientific Director, ADEME (EN)

François MOISAN is executive Director of Strategy and Research and Scientific Director of ADEME, the French Agency on Environment and Energy Management. ADEME is in charge of implementing in France the “Grenelle de l’environnement” with several funds including the research demonstrators new fund (400 M€) for new energy technologies.
He joined the French Agency on Energy in 1982.
He was Chairman of IEA (International Energy Agency) energy efficiency working party (2002-2005) and Chairman of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE, sister of ACEEE).
He is Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Committee of World Energy Council. He was involved in Kyoto Protocol negotiation from 1997 to 2004. He is member of the International Partnership on Hydrogen Economy as French representative. François Moisan is Electrical Engineer and Doctor in Economic Science (Université de Grenoble)
Chaolin GU, Professor, the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (EN)

Shiqiu ZHANG, Deputy Dean, Peking University (EN)

She is a Senior expert member of UNEP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for implementing Montreal Protocol, Co-Chair of the Task force for Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund of Montreal Protocol. She is a member of Advisory Committee of Environment and Economy Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA).
Kai WANG, Deputy Chief Planner, China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (EN)

Mr. Wang is experience in various kinds of work and familiar with urbanization, urban policy, urban and regional planning.
Saskia SASSEN, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, USA (EN)

Yang WEIMIN, deputy Secretary-General, National Development and Reform Commission
► Table ronde : Coopération Europe-Asie
Soutien et initiatives allant du dialogue entre institutions multilatérales à celui entre les villes se développent entre les régions Europe et Asie, de manière à promouvoir le développement durable et le commerce propre. Le développement de programmes conjoints et le partage de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine de l’éducation, des technologies et de l’expertise scientifique sont autant d’opportunités de promouvoir et de mettre en œuvre de nouvelles voies durables.
Les questions abordées :
1. Quels devraient être les principaux objectifs d’une collaboration renforcée entre l’Europe et l’Asie sur les thèmes commerce et d’environnement et / ou d’urbanisation et d’environnement ?
2. Quelle est la chose la plus importante à faire pour développer, renforcer ou élargir la coopération Europe – Asie dans le domaine de l’environnement ?
3. Quel rôle la coopération entre villes pourrait-elle jouer, et quelles mesures les villes pourraient-elles adopter dans un tel cadre?
RA JIN-GOO, Maire adjoint de Séoul (EN)
While working in the Seoul Metropolitan for 30 years, I have played an instrumental role in making Seoul into a sustainable and environment-friendly city. I majored in Administration studies at Korea
University in Seoul, studied urban environment, at University of California, completed master's courseon Social Welfare at the University of Seoul, and I am currently pursuing a Doctoral course. I have been actively sewing as an Excom member of ICLEI since being elected in June 2008 with a term until 2009. AsAssistant Mayor for Waterworks of the Seoul Metropolitan Government in 2006, I had the key role to provide clean and safe drinking water to citizens. Right before I was appointed as Vice Mayor, I was the Assistant Mayor. for Management and Planning, being in charge of establishing and adjusting key municipal policies and mid-to long-term strategies including environmental policies of Seoul, and oversaw organization, personnel, financial operation, and legislation affairs. After taking office as Vice-Mayor I for Administrative Affairs on December, 2007, in charge of overall administrative affairs of the Seoul Metropolitan Government including environmental 'affairs, I have been planning and pushing forward various projects. In particular, in order to successfully host the C40 Climate Leadership Summit in Seoul in May 2009, an all-out effort is being made to prepare for the conference by newly setting up the "C40 Summit Division." With the aim to actively respond to environmental issues including climate change and air quality improvement, organizational restructuring was done to establish the "Environment Protection Headquarters" to oversee environment related affairs, and is making tremendous efforts to respond to the global issue of climate change by carrying out a diesel car retrofitting project, promoting the "Weekly No Driving Day Program," and reducing greenhouse gas by using environment friendly energy, and enacting the Climate Change Ordinance. I am carrying out a pivotal role in newly making Seoul to become an environment-friendly city by operating "Green Seoul Citizens' Committee", a private-public partnership, to evaluate the sustainability of key municipal policies and driving Seoul Agenda 21. Based on my vast experience and leadership gained as a administrative public official while working serving in a local government for a long time and by sharing the various experiences of Seoul with other member cities through ICLEI, I am confident that I can play a big role in achieving sustainable development, the common goal of local governments around the world.
Youngjiang GU, Chairman of China Society for WTO Studies (EN)

Adil NAJAM, Frederick S. Pardee Professor of Global Public Policy; Director, Pardee Center (EN)

Prof. Najam was a lead author for the third and fourth assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), work for which the IPCC was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace. In 2008 he was appointed by the UN Secretary-General to serve on the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP). In 2009, the President of Pakistan conferred on him one of Pakistan’s highest civil honors, the medal Sitara-i-Imtiaz (SI), for his distinguished services to education and environment.
HUANG Luxin, Director, Department of international Cooperation and Development, China (EN)
- 1986-present, working with China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD)
- 2000, Senior Planner and Registered Planner
- 2001, Msc Urban Planning, CUPEM, Iniversity of Hong Kong
- 2002-present, Director, Department of International Cooperation and Development, CAUPD
- 2007-present, Director, International Planning Research Studio, CAUPD & Deputy Director and Secretary General, ACoFSUP & Member of Editorial Board, Urban Planning International
- 2009, Member of Directors, Urban Planning Society of China
- Key research interest: Community development and planning, eco-city planning.
Laurence TUBIANA, Director IDDRI, France and Head of Dpt. of global public goods, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (EN)

From 1997 to 2002, Laurence Tubiana served as senior advisor to the Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin, on environmental issues and conducted a number of international negotiations on this subject. She was also member of the French Council of Economic Analysis and research director for the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). She has been a representative of the European NGOs at the World Bank and founded the French-based NGO Solagral.
Founder of the journal Le Courrier de la Planète, she published a number of articles and books on environment, development and international issues. Since 2007, she has co-directed the publication of the annual review Sustainable Development in Action – A Planet for Life.
Laurence Tubiana studied at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and holds a PhD in economics.
Zhang YANSHENG, Director, Institute for International Economic Research (EN)

Professor Zhang holds MSc. in Economics (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1984). He has been a visiting fellow in Colorado University, Toronto University, and World Bank EDI from 1986 to 1988.
Professor Zhang has publicized more than 20 Chinese and English monographs (including co-author), more than 200 papers. Zhang was awarded the SunYefang Economic Science Works Prize, the First Class Excellent Research Prize of the NDRC, China Development Research Prize and other prizes.